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Are You Ready to Sell Your Triad Home?

Two years ago, one of our clients came in and talked to us about selling her home. For whatever reason, she decided not to hire us and went with a friend’s recommendation. 

I can understand why you would hire an agent based off a friend’s recommendation, but consider this: Does your friend know what it takes to sell a house? Do they know the right questions to ask a real estate broker in order to hire the right one? 

In many cases, and in our client’s case, the answer is no. Our client hired this agent and the house failed to sell. Then, she hired two more real estate companies, and the house still didn’t sell.

We always leave the door open, so this client was able to come back to us two years after our first meeting. We put the home on the market and sold it in 54 days. 

Our door is always open to you.

We’ve also had a seller come back after nine years! This client listed with another agent and the home didn’t sell. Nine years later, he came back to us and we sold the home in under 60 days. 

Now, does this happen all the time? No. Do we sell nearly all of the homes that we list? Yes. In fact, we sell 99% of our listings. We’ve been doing this for a long time. We sell hundreds of houses each year. Our system works. 

Don’t make the mistake of waiting two years to talk to us about selling your home. Even in this challenging market, we can sell your home in 60 days or less. 

If you’re curious about what we can do to sell your home, give us a call or send us an email. Even if you’re waiting until next year to sell, it’s never too early to talk to us. We would be happy to help you!