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Are Home Inspections Necessary?

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Today we are excited to talk to you about home inspections, and answer the common question of if they are even worth your time, or necessary.

In today’s market, our answer is absolutely yes, you need a home inspection on any home you purchase. With all the great tools you have to assure you are getting what you paid for, it’s important now more than ever to work with someone who is trustworthy.

Recently on our radio show, Triad Real Estate 911, we were joined by Jason Michael, owner of Homespectors, to talk to us about what he and his team do to make sure their homes are inspected top to bottom.

If you’d like to listen to the entire radio show, click the link here. We love working with Jason and Homespectors, and think that you will too if you’re ever in need of an inspection.

In the home inspection process, we are looking for many things. In the general inspection, you get an overview of the home from roof to foundation, and evidence of problems are uncovered. After that, we may then need to bring in somebody to diagnose a more serious problem, if the situation calls for it. A small crack on a brick home could end up being $30,000 worth of structural damage.

The home inspection process is the first step in the due diligence process. If you have any questions about the process, or why we recommend Homespectors, give us a call or send us an email. We’d be happy to speak with you.