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Tips for Handling Winter Water Damage

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The Triad area experienced some water damage this winter. Maybe you experienced a flooded basement or crawlspace, overflowing gutters, or a similar issue. Likewise, we've had a ton of rain here this season. What can you do to repair and prevent water damage?

First, determine where the water is coming from. It might be as simple as having overflowing gutters. Gutters can dump a lot of water into crawlspaces or basements.

Also, ensure your downspouts push water away from your home. New build guidelines require that downspouts take water ten feet away from your property. Many downspouts just dump water right at the edge of your foundation.

Finally, check your flowerbeds. They might have settled and allowed water to flow directly into your home. Flowerbeds should slope away from the foundation. 

Most of these are simple observations you can make yourself. However, if you need to hire a professional, contact us! We can put you in touch with several great contractors to help you with your water issues. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We would be happy to help you.