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How to Avoid Wasting Time and Money Preparing Your Home for Sale

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Many clients ask us what they should do before we come over to look at a home. This is a great question because the answer to it could save you a lot of time and stress.
In short, you should do NOTHING before an agent comes over to take a look at your home! We recommend waiting because you could end up doing all the wrong things. I've often seen people getting to work fixing the things they believe the market is ready for, yet the changes they make are things the market doesn't value or care for. This often results in you spending money in all the wrong places.
There are typically big issues that need to be addressed first. When was the last time you've been in your crawlspace, your attic? Before you spend a bunch of money on cosmetic issues, you need to ensure you don't have any costly structural problems! Doing the right things first will protect your investment and your family.

This is all part of a two-step process. First, you're going to come to the office and we're going to work together to come up with a game plan; we'll assess your situation and why you want to sell. Next, we'll come out to the property, inspect the property, and create a plan based on our initial inspection where we determine what needs to happen before the home is listed!
There are lots of steps to getting a home sold, but we recommend waiting to do anything until we have seen the home. In other words, let us coach you through the process - that's what we're here for! We've done this for years, so we know exactly what buyers are looking for and how to help you have the most success when selling.
If you would like more information about the selling process, don't hesitate to reach out to us by phone or email. We would love to hear from you!